Software Development Process

Clouds 1371838
Beautiful Code vs. Deployed Code

Dan Bunker

Something funny happens between when you start a new software project and when you finish it. Before you actually get any code written, you have some preconceived notions about how the code will turn out. You plan to use clear and concise syntax. ...


Dan Bunker

LUDA and LUTS are a couple of acronymns I've used to help master skills, tasks or concepts. If you really want to get good at something, you have to accomplish certain steps along the learning path to obtain your goals. These acronymns are a sort of ...

Idea %281%29
The Worst 5 Minutes of Your Development Day

Dan Bunker

Sometimes, no matter how great one’s efforts, a great idea can fall off the tracks and crash. In the 1999 film Fight Club, one of the central characters, Tyler Durden, is startled to find that his radical and ambitious concept of a “fight club” to ...

Long road
Want to be an Entrepreneur?..Learn to Code

Dan Bunker

Gone are the days where the only people that code wear white button down shirts with pocket protectors. It's true that coding has created a stereotype over the years. However, the typical developer is becoming atypical by others wanting to harness ...